Wednesday, August 31, 2016

CNN and Huffington Post go Orwellian on Hillary Clinton Health

According to Wikipedia, "Orwellian
'is an adjective describing a situation, idea, or societal condition that George Orwell identified as being destructive to the welfare of a free and open society. It denotes an attitude and a brutal policy of draconian control by propaganda, surveillance, misinformation, denial of truth, and manipulation of the past, including the "unperson"—a person whose past existence is expunged from the public record and memory, practiced by modern repressive governments.'
Hillary Clinton's health has been subject to much speculation. See following video:

 So, after 'Dr. Drew' brought up concerns about Hillary Clinton's health, he was fired:

‘Dr. Drew’ show canceled days after host’s negative speculation about Hillary Clinton’s health - Washington Post, 8/26/16
'the decision came eight days after Pinsky’s comments on a radio show on Aug. 17 questioning the health and medical care of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president. After looking at bits and pieces of Clinton’s health-care records she made public in 2015, he said he was “gravely concerned not just about her health, but her health care.”'
The Daily Beast found no issues with his firing:

Where Did Dr. Drew Go Wrong? - The Daily Beast, 8/29/16
'he engaged in unfounded speculation about Hillary Clinton’s health'
Wait, there are doctors that do question Mrs. Clinton's health:

10 prominent doctors question Hillary's health - WND, 8/29/16

Even Politico thinks it's OK to discuss (I guess they haven't fallen in line yet):

Why We’re Right to Speculate About Trump and Clinton’s Health - Politco, 8/30/16
'To rule out all discussion, inquiries or speculations about Trump and Clinton’s health no matter how wacko, then, would be a disservice to voters.'
In a more extreme case, David Seaman, a writer for the Huffington Post was 'unpersoned' as all his prior posts were deleted after he posted an article titled 'Hillary Clinton's Health is Superb (Aside From Seizures, Lesions, Adrenaline Pens)'

HuffPo "Revoked Publishing Access" Of Journalist After 'Hillary Health' Story: "It's Orwellian...I'm Scared" - ZeroHedge, 8/30/16 (Caution: foul language at around 4:40 of video)

"I've honestly never seen anything like this.  This is happening in the United States in 2016.  It's frankly chilling.  I'm a little scared.  I'm doing this video also to say, I'm not suicidal right now; I am not a particularly clumsy person; I don't own a car at the moment.  So if I'm to slip in the shower over the next couple of days or something silly like that you have to really employ probability and statistics here because I'm not a clumsy person, right, and I'm also not a depressed person right now.  I'm a person who is spooked out though."

"For Huffington Post to delete those posts without any notice, that is Orwellian.  That is something I've read about happening in mainland China."

Wasn't the United States of America founded on freedom of speech???

Here are some relevant quotes regarding Freedom of the Press:

John Adams, Samuel Adams, James Bowdoin (1780)
'The liberty of the press is essential to the security of freedom in a state'
Barack Obama, Remarks by President Obama and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma in Joint Press Conference at Aung San Suu Kyi Residence in Rangoon, Burma on November 14, 2014

'societies that repress journalists ultimately oppress people as well, and that if you want a society that is free and vibrant and successful, part of that formula is the free flow of information, of ideas, and that requires a free press. [...] And we believe that when governments censor or control information, that ultimately that undermines not only the society, but it leads to eventual encroachments on individual rights as well. [...] I brought up a basic principle that I stated earlier, which is that a free press is a foundation for any democracy. We rely on journalists to explain and describe the actions of our government. If the government controls the journalists, then it's very difficult for citizens to hold that government accountable.'
Maybe President Obama meant all other countries, just not the United States of America.

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