Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hillary Clinton Reveals Nuclear Secrets During Debate

In light of Hillary Clinton questioning the fitness of Donald Trump for the Presidency, we can confirm that Mrs. Clinton has in fact jeopardized national security in the most recent debate and should herself be considered unfit for the Presidency.

Pentagon: Hillary Clinton Should Be Arrested For Leaking Top Secret Nuclear Intelligence on National TV - True Pundit - October 20, 2016
Hillary Clinton divulged Top Secret nuclear security intelligence to tens of millions of worldwide television audience viewers Wednesday night during the third presidential debate, according to high-ranking Department of Defense personnel.

Clinton, responding to opponent Donald Trump and a question posed by debate moderator Chris Wallace, boasted specific and “damaging” details about the United States’ nuclear response time to retaliate during a nuclear attack. Clinton said:

“But here’s the deal. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There’s about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so.” –Hillary Clinton, National TV Appearance

“Secretary Clinton proved tonight she is unfit to be commander-in-chief,” a top-ranking DOD intelligence source said. “What she did compromises our national security. She is cavalier and reckless and in my opinion should be detained and questioned so we can unravel why she did what she did.”

According to Pentagon sources, the information Clinton disseminated publicly is Top Secret intelligence governed under the U.S. Special Access Program (SAP) which dictates safeguards and protocols for accessing and discussing highly classified and Top Secret intelligence. The specific details of the country’s nuclear response time discussed by Clinton, sources said, are only known by a handful of individuals outside top military brass, including the following “need-to-know” (NTK) officials:
  •     President
  •     Vice President
  •     Secretary of State
  •     Secretary of Defense
  •     Secretary of Homeland Security
  •     Attorney General
  •     Director of National Intelligence
  •     CIA Director
  •     Deputy Secretary of State
  •     Deputy Secretary of Defense
  •     Special personnel designated solely by the President in writing
Sources said late Wednesday Clinton likely violated two different types of Dept. of Defense SAP protocols. Since nuclear response is part of the sensitive national plan for nuclear war operations, all of its schematics are covered under both “Intelligence SAPs” and “Operation and Support SAPs,” sources said. Both contain Top Secret information.

“Targeting options by ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missiles), air or sea, launch order, launch procedures and response are some of the most secretly guarded tenets of national security and nuclear war policy,” a Pentagon source said. “It’s truly incredible that (nuclear) response time as part of an ERO (Emergency Response Option) is now out there in the public domain to our adversaries.”

U.S. Defense sources said according to developed U.S. counterintelligence, military officials in China, North Korea, Syria, Russia, Iran and even actors like ISIS had no previous definitive intelligence to determine the U.S. nuclear response time, especially during an ERO, prior to Clinton’s admission Wednesday night. Sources reluctantly acknowledged her calculations were accurate.

“Any time frame calculated would have merely been an educated hypothesis, absent leaked documents and there have been no such breaches,” the DOD source said.
Mrs. Clinton has steadfastly laid blame on the recent Wikileaks hacking revelations on Russia. She even had the chutzpah to call Mr. Trump a 'puppet' of the Russian government. Unsurprisingly, her confirmation is more hot air.

The Fact That 17 Intelligence Agencies Confirmed Russia is Behind the Email Hacks Isn’t Actually…a Fact - Rebooting Capitalism, October 20, 2016
The “17 agencies that actually confirmed” it was the Russians? Well it turns out that was one guy, namely DCI James Clapper: the head of US intelligence. The same man who committed perjury before congress after his NSA surveillance program was leaked.  He  issued a statement that included the phrase:
We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.

The very next sentence is also of interest:

Some states have also recently seen scanning and probing of their election-related systems, which in most cases originated from servers operated by a Russian company. However, we are not now in a position to attribute this activity to the Russian Government.

The word “confirmed” does not appear anywhere in this statement.

So when HRC stated the “17 intelligence agencies have confirmed” I was anticipating what that would turn up in the “fact checking” apparatus, which allegedly exists to objectively test the assertions of both candidates in real time.
So, we must be in some kind of upside down universe where the candidate that actually damages national security implies that her opponent is a traitor and unfit to become President.

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