Monday, November 7, 2016

A US Countercoup that Nobody Knows About

On November 1, Dr. Steve Pieczenik announced in a YouTube video that he is part of a network of intelligence officials that are working with Wikileaks to engage in a countercoup to stop Hillary Clinton from becoming President.

He previously outlined the measures taken by the Clintons here:

Clinton’s Coup in Broad Daylight! - Steve Pieczenik Talks, October 28, 2016
The Clintons have implemented a de facto coup by refusing to abide by any written or implied US laws.

She and her co-conspirators have:
[1] obstructed justice
[2] committed perjury
[3] destroyed any incriminating evidence
[4] have absconded with countless millions of dollars
[5] killed any noisome individuals.
Although his allegations are serious, they should be no surprise to readers of this blog - see here.

His November 1st video has over 2.8 million views (partly due to the Drudge Report) on YouTube as of today.

More details on Dr, Pieczenik are on his Wikipedia page. He has years of experience working with senior government and military officials. He also has controversial views that are not shared with a broad majority of the population. For anyone of his stature, it is challenging to really know is if he is telling the truth or engaging in a psyop (he does have a psychiatric degree). In light of the high level of corruption by the Clintons, it would be unsurprising for people in the FBI, CIA, etc. to say enough is enough and to go around their superiors to do what they think is right. Either way, we'll have our answer shortly.

What is more illuminating is that not one mainstream media outlet has covered his video. How could this not be newsworthy?? A member of the intelligence community announces to the world that they are engaging in a countercoup in the Untited States to stop a Presidential candidate from winning an election. The video gets almost 3 million views and no one covers it?? The mainstream media disgraces itself with each passing day.

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